What are the world's best foods? We thought we knew. Apparently we don't.
Our list of the World's best foods stimulated some impassioned debate about the conspicuous lack of French dishes and the merits of ketchup over mayonnaise.
“Ketchup? Pop Corn? Chips? Plenty of Thai but few Malay food? What about Chinese (Sichuan, Cantonese, etc)? No Brazilian or Argentinian?” queried commenter Max.
Reader LiveFoods wrote, "OMG why are people hating? If you don't like the list, make your own! I love Thai and Japanese foods."
LoveFoods was right. So we threw it open to a vote on a Facebook poll.
And now, after more than 30,000 votes, it appears we got it all wrong. The world’s most delicious food is not Massaman curry, as we suggested, but a meaty, spicy, gingery dish from west Sumatra.
Couscous and lemon curd cake both took scores of votes, but didn't make the list. Some 440 people thought gelato deserved a place in online history.
Delicious Food
Logandz Reynolds
Monday, July 7, 2014
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